Tuesday, October 31, 2017

October 2017 - DCAF Spectacular!

This month the jam went to DCAF, the Dublin Comic Arts Festival at Newmarket Square.

The festival was wonderful, lots of great artists selling great stuff. And a few even dropped by to participate in some collaborative comic-making! Lots of great stuff from all ages. Pictures and the finished jams from Monday below.

DCAF also marked the launch of Stray Lines Issue 3, with some regular jammers contributing, compiled by DCJ’s Paddy Lynch. Check it out here with some other books that made their debut at the event.

Thanks so much for everyone who dropped by the table and had a go. And thanks to DCAF for having us! It was great fun to be involved in this event, and we’re excited for the next one on December 17th.

Also excited for the next jam at the end of November! You subscribe to the mailing list to get a reminder closer to the date by emailing dublincomicjam@gmail.com or keep up with the jam on Facebook and now Instagram.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

August Jam

Belatedly, the finished jams from August.

Catch the next jam this Thursday 26 October from 8pm, upstairs in The Lord Edward pub opposite Christchurch.

All welcome!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

June 2017

Pictured here, the bounty from June's jam. In case you can't make it out, that last panel in comic 2 reads "No one cares about your crisis of faith Tim!"

The next jam will be at 8pm on Thursday 27th July, upstairs in the Lord Edward pub. We have some seriously good unfinished comics this month, if you want to lend a hand...

Monday, June 26, 2017

May 2017

May's finished jams. Join us this Thursday 29th June for the next one! Upstairs in the Lord Edward Pub at Christchurch from 8pm.

Contact us at dublincomicjam@gmail.com with any questions

Sunday, May 21, 2017

April 2017

Lovely bunch of pages from April's jam, all set for May! 
Thursday 25th, 8pm, upstairs in the Lord Edward, Christchurch.

Note: the last jam here has been in progress since April 2016 - at that point it seemed like it would become less relevant, but here we are.

Monday, April 24, 2017

March 2017

2 finished comics and a HUUUGE pile of new and improved ones came out of the March Jam. Hope to see you upstairs at the Lord Edward pub this Thursday from 8ish til late-ish to help polish them off!
Bring pens, pencils or whatever you use, we'll supply the jams!

And now, a periodic reminder that you can email dublincomicjam@gmail.com to be added to the mailing list to hear about jams and other upcoming events. You can also find us on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/Dublin-Comic-Jam-106213866119937/

February 2017

Monday, February 20, 2017

January 2017

Some real gems from the January Jam! Finally wrapping up some great pages that have carried through since last summer. Next Jam heading to a Lord Edward pub near you at Christchurch this Thursday, February 23. See you at 8pm with bells on and pens in hand (paper provided)!

Overdue bonus post with some mini-jams from October 2016 coming soon...